Discipline and Performance Management

Handling disciplinary matters or managing poor performance is key to any successful business. However, not only can it be very time-consuming for a business, there are also many pitfalls for the unwary, which can lead to potential discrimination, whistleblowing or constructive dismissal claims.

We support employers by providing practical guidance on how to conduct a process fairly and efficiently, so that you achieve your aims. Our work often involves:

  •  Preparing ‘steps plans’ for client to ensure they have a clear overview of the process, and legal requirements.

  • Advising on the requirements of procedural fairness established by case law, and set out in the Acas Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures.

  • Drafting or reviewing investigation reports and preparing letters, emails or meeting scripts to ensure that key issues are considered and that the threat of litigation is minimised.

  • Advising on appropriate outcomes, and risk mitigation strategies.

 We can also help you take proactive steps to ready the business for handling disciplinary or performance matters. For example, we can:

  • Prepare or update internal policies to ensure they are relevant for your business and give you as much flexibility and control over the process as possible.

  • Train your staff on how to identify issues which need to be addressed formally, and how to investigate and otherwise navigate a disciplinary or performance improvement process.

In essence, we can guide your business through any complex disciplinary or performance management process and help you achieve your aims.

 If you would like to discuss our services further:

Chris Tutton